Chemical Peels

Chemical peels will give your skin a healthy, effortless glow, so you can feel confident with or without cosmetics. We are proud to offer these versatile cosmetic treatments at the office of Christopher K. Tiner, MD in Pasadena, CA. Today, we’re discussing what these peels are, how they work, and who they are appropriate for.

What Are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are an incredible type of cosmetic treatment. They are used to chemically exfoliate the skin. Light peels usually feature glycolic acid due to their minimally acidic nature and are perfect for treating mild skin concerns, like dullness or ruddiness. Medium peels usually feature trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and are recommended for moderate skin concerns. Deep peels are sometimes referred to as phenol peels and can be used to treat severe skin concerns effectively.

How To Care for Your Skin After This Treatment

Keep Your Hair Out of Your Face

Regardless of the strength of the peel you receive, it is absolutely crucial that you keep your hair out of your face. If your hair reaches past your ears, pull your hair into a high ponytail or bun. If you have any stray hairs that you can’t keep up in a hair tie, clip the wayward strands up and out of your face.

There is little chance that oils in your hair will irritate your freshly peeling facial skin, but the oils in your fingertips pose a significant concern. Even if you wash your hands diligently, there’s a very good chance that there is something on your fingertips, be it oil that your skin naturally produces, a pollutant or another irritant, that will penetrate your sensitive skin and trigger an acne outbreak or skin infection.

Keep Your Face Clean

After a peel, your skin starts to peel. This peeling usually lasts between two and five days, depending on the strength of the peel you received. During this time, it is crucial that you keep your face clean, as the skin revealed beneath the peeling skin is far more sensitive than the previously existing epidermis.

When you’re washing your face, we strongly recommend that you use tepid water. Even if you’ve taken steaming hot showers your entire life, your facial skin may be too sensitive to extreme temperatures. Furthermore, the steam from a very hot shower may over-moisturize your skin. There is also a chance that your skin will be sensitive to cold water. When you wash your face, make sure you use a gentle facial cleanser and soft washcloth. Loofahs are off the table.

Don’t Over-Moisturize Your Face

Over-moisturizing your face won’t increase your risk of infection or irritation. In fact, moisturizing your skin after a peel is very soothing. However, one of the last things you want to do is apply moisturizer to your face too regularly. Unless your skin is naturally very dry, you should only moisturize your face once daily. Whether you prefer to moisturize your face in the morning or at night is up to you. If you have dry skin, do not moisturize more than twice daily.

How Chemical Peels Work

Chemical peels can treat many types of skin concerns by exfoliating one or more layers of skin. The top layer of your skin is made up of dead skin cells. Unfortunately, this often results in skin that looks dull or ruddy without the help of cosmetics. Other cosmetic concerns, such as acne, can be triggered by clogged pores or excess sebum production.

Salicylic Acid Peels

Superficial (light) peels are great for the treatment of acne because they often contain salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a member of the BHA (beta hydroxy acid) family and treats certain types of acne because it prevents excess sebum production. Medium peels are also great for treating acne caused by excess sebum production. They also commonly include salicylic acid.

Advise us during your initial consultation on whether you are concerned about regular acne outbreaks. We can diagnose the type of acne you have and create a peel with the right acids to address your concerns.

Phenol Peels

Phenol peels work in the same way all other types of peels work. The appearance and health of your skin will be improved because several layers of dead and damaged skin cells will be removed. Thanks to the strength of this incredibly acidic peel, you can treat the most severe skin concerns, including:

  • Severe scars
  • Deep wrinkles
  • Pre-cancerous growths
  • Extensive sun damage
  • Hyperpigmentation

A phenol peel can take anywhere from an hour or two to complete. During this time, you will remain completely comfortable, because we will sedate you and numb the targeted areas with local anesthesia. Additionally, we will apply a soothing ointment to your skin once your skin has absorbed the chemical solution. This will prevent your skin from feeling uncomfortably warm after the anesthesia has worn off.

Who Is a Peel Right for?

What’s great about chemical peels is they are right for virtually anyone who is willing to comply with pre-treatment preparation guidelines. That said, they’re not recommended for everyone. For example, you will not qualify for this treatment if you are taking medication that makes you sensitive to light and your doctor advises you to not stop taking the drug temporarily. Additionally, you should speak to your OBGYN before receiving this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

We understand you may be experiencing unwanted changes in the tone or texture of your skin during pregnancy. However, there is very limited research regarding the effects of a chemical peel on a growing fetus or breastfeeding infant. There is a good chance your OBGYN will tell you to wait until you are done nursing or only opt for a light chemical peel.

Learn More Today

Chemical peels are versatile chemical exfoliation tools used to improve the health and appearance of your skin dramatically. Light peels exfoliate only the top layer of your skin. Deep peels exfoliate several layers of your skin and can treat severe skin concerns. Reach out to us now at the office of Christopher Tiner, MD in Pasadena, CA to book an appointment and learn more. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.