Breast Procedures

When most people think of breast procedures, they think of implants, but cosmetic surgery procedures that address the breasts offer patients more than just implants. Different patients have different needs and goals regarding their breasts, and we can accommodate each one. At Christopher Tiner MD Cosmetic Surgery in Pasadena, CA, we offer different breast procedures – augmentation reduction and lift so that you can reach your body goals, whatever those goals are.

Breast Procedures – Augmentation Reduction and Lift

Breast Augmentation

Breast procedures – augmentation specifically, are very popular forms of cosmetic surgery. Breast augmentation provides women with the ability to achieve the breasts they’ve always wanted in just one procedure. Women who have undergone one or multiple pregnancies often choose breast augmentation to help them feel more like their pre-baby self, or in many cases, even better.

Additionally, women who have experienced a mastectomy due to breast cancer can also use this procedure to restore their breasts. Elective procedures designed to increase the breast size, like our breast procedures – augmentation, specifically, are very popular among our patients. Not only does a breast augmentation increase the size of the breasts, but it can also change the shape and projection.

How It Works

When you come in for your initial consultation, we will review your health history to confirm that you are a good candidate for this procedure. Then, we will discuss both your concerns and your goals, analyze your breasts, and then create a treatment plan that will help you get your desired results. We will review the different implant options and sizes to help you find the right one for you, and then we will schedule your procedure.

Who Is a Candidate?

Those who want to change the shape, size, and proportions of their breasts make the best candidate for this procedure. An initial consultation with one of our experts is the best way to determine if this procedure is the right option for you. Age is not a significant determining factor; both older and younger women qualify for this procedure.

Many young women choose this procedure to increase their breast size and proportions to increase their confidence and improve their appearance. Additionally, older women can undergo this procedure to restore youth to their appearance and increase their confidence as well.

Breast Reduction

If genetics, weight gain, pregnancy, or nursing have caused you to develop larger breasts than you’d like, a breast reduction will help reduce the size to create the best proportions for your body. Breasts that are disproportional to your body size and frame can lead to some significant issues, including back and neck pain, shoulder grooves, and even arm numbness. This procedure will reduce your total breast volume by reducing excess fat, skin, and even glandular tissue.

How Does It Work?

Once you come in for your initial consultation, we will confirm that a breast reduction is right for you. Then we will create a treatment plan to help you get the most proportional breasts for your body. Excess fat and tissue may both be removed to help reduce the total volume of your breasts and create new proportions. The benefit is that a breast reduction and lift can be performed together to help you get the most aesthetically pleasing breasts possible.

Who Is a Candidate?

Women born with large breasts that make them feel self-conscious or like they are attracting negative attention make good candidates for this procedure. Additionally, women whose breast size is negatively affecting their health or causing back and shoulder pain due to excess weight on the fronts of their bodies can benefit from a breast reduction.

Breast Lift

A breast lift should not be confused with a breast augmentation. While both will improve the appearance of the breasts, a breast lift does not involve the use of an implant. It does not change the size of the breasts, but it does lift sagging breasts higher on the chest wall to make them look more youthful in the most natural way possible. This procedure can remove excess skin as needed to create the most aesthetically pleasing appearance.

How Does It Work?

Once we confirm that you are a candidate for this procedure, we will create a treatment plan customized to your particular needs and goals. We can also combine this treatment with other procedures. For example, a reduction and lift can be performed together. Breast augmentation and a breast lift can also be performed in a single procedure.

Who Is a Candidate?

Many women choose this procedure to resolve the negative side effects of nursing and pregnancy, how they have affected their breasts, or combat the aging process.

If you don’t want to change the shape or size of your breasts but want them to appear more lifted and youthful, this procedure will help do that. However, if you want to both change the size and shape of your breasts and lift them higher on your chest wall, you can combine this procedure with other breast procedures – augmentation included.

Customizing Your Perfect Procedure

We do not take a one-size-fits-all approach to breast procedures. Our goal is to customize your procedure for your exact needs. We want to help you achieve your ideal breasts, whether that’s through a reduction, a lift, or an augmentation.

We are ready to help you achieve your dream body. You can rest assured that when you choose our office for one or more of these breast procedures, you will be in the hands of experts who will help you achieve the most beautiful breasts possible.

Choose a Surgeon You Can Trust

Regardless of which combination of these procedures you choose, you can rest assured that when you choose our office, you’ll be in the hands of a skilled surgeon who has an artistic eye and can help you achieve some beautiful results. Breast procedures Bellefontaine are so popular because they not only improve your appearance but can dramatically improve your confidence. We want to help you look and feel your best; all you have to do is take that first step. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.