Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

With age, comes many bodily and inevitable changes. This includes hormonal changes that can have a dramatic impact on our daily lives. These effects can include but are not limited to, our diet, cognition, mental health, skin elasticity, energy, and even our moods. Dr. Christopher Tiner in Pasadena, CA recognizes the impactful benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for hormonal changes and deficiencies due to the aging process.  


Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

What Is It?

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is unlike traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in that it more closely resembles your own natural hormones, with a much lower risk of negative side effects. Bioidentical hormones are compounded hormones derived from natural plants that are chemically identical to human hormones, making bodily absorption more effective. We provide BHRT is in the form of inserted pellets.

What Makes It Effective?

Though there are many reasons why patients choose BHRT, the number one reason would be for the alleviation of symptoms due to a hormonal imbalance or deficiency. This list of annoying and life-changing symptoms can be quite exhaustive. We have listed a few below to help you determine if you may possibly be experiencing any hormonal irregularities.  

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Poor sleep
  • Cognitive issues and confusion
  • Poor memory
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Night sweats
  • Low libido
  • Mood swings
  • Thinning, dry skin
  • Hair loss
  • Weight gain
  • Muscle atrophy

Many patients, as well as their doctors, are concerned about the risks of side effects with traditional, synthetic HRT. Natural BHRT, however, poses minimal to no risk of side effects, which is why it is becoming the preferred choice of today’s patients. There is no full-proof hormone therapy that can fix everything that the aging process has stolen. BHRT can greatly restore the balance of your hormones, however, in addition to lifestyle and peace of mind, with minimal to no side effects.

How Does It Work?

BHRT is a rather simple process. You will be asked to fill out a medical questionnaire, including a symptoms check list. We will also do some bloodwork to determine your current hormone levels. Once that is determined, you will be prescribed the correct amount according to what your blood stats reflect that you need. This can be in many different forms, as mentioned earlier in this article. Pellets are quickly becoming the most popular form, however, because they are likened to a “set it and forget it” mentality.

A pellet is about the same size as a grain of rice. It is inserted into the body tissue just underneath the skin, in an area such as the buttocks, or upper hip. The pellet is gradually absorbed into the cells, balancing out your hormones, while also alleviating your symptoms. This method prevents the roller-coaster ride that is so often a result of other forms, especially when using traditional hormone replacement therapy.

How Long Before Results Are Evident?

Most patients will begin to notice a decrease in their symptoms within two to three weeks, but will probably not see the full effect for about six to eight weeks, depending on what form they choose. With the pellet method, results can take up to four to six weeks. However, every patient’s bodily system and metabolism is different, so it is difficult to predict how long it will take for each patient.

For this reason, patients are usually required to come back in for a second check-up on their blood work stats, to determine if the dosage is working properly. Once this is regulated and established, the required number of your clinical visits will decrease.

How Long Will the Results Last?

An inserted pellet will typically last up to four to six months. This can be dependent upon the patient’s metabolism, however, in addition to age and several other factors.

What Is the Recommended Frequency for Treatment?

As mentioned above, this will vary between patients based upon a number of factors including age, metabolism, genetics, or other unknown causes. Pellets are typically required three to four times per year. This is why the pellet is the most popular choice amongst patients because it allows them the freedom to enjoy life, without the hassle of trying to remember daily or weekly schedules.

Patients will be able to determine when it’s time for another pellet treatment by self-assessment. If your symptoms begin to gradually return, then your pellet has most likely been fully absorbed and it is time to make another appointment for your next pellet insertion.

How Long Can You Continue To Take It?

This can vary greatly for patients of all ages and gender. Many men and women take BHRT for at least two to three years during their course of andropause or menopause. Some, however, may require it at a much earlier stage in life due to sudden and drastic changes, such as having to endure a full hysterectomy. Many patients continue taking it long into their later years of life because of how great if makes them feel and function. So long as there are no known personal health risks, there really isn’t a time limit.

What Makes a Good Candidate?

Patients of all adult ages preferring a natural solution for the symptoms of their hormonal imbalance or deficiency are good candidates for BHRT. Menopause and andropause are the leading culprits for patients seeking out hormone replacement therapy. There are rare cases in which hormone replacement therapy is not ideal. We can help determine if you are a good candidate for this therapy.

BHRT – Start Feeling Like Your Old Self Again

Often, when our hormones gradually decrease, we don’t notice until the symptoms become quite severe, impacting our daily lifestyle. Patients often comment that they hadn’t realized how much their body had changed, until they restored the balance of their hormones. Once they begin to feel great — like their old self again — is when they first realize how deficient or imbalanced their hormones had become.

If you have been experiencing any of the symptoms listed above and feel like you are a good candidate for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, then give Dr. Christopher Tiner in Pasadena, CA a call today. We look forward to meeting with you and helping you get back to your old self again.